Monday, November 14, 2011

Making Progress and Friends!

I woke up totally full of myself this morning and gave my foster mom a a heck of a time when she was trying to get my leg braces on.  I kept biting her fingers with my razor sharp teeth.  I thought it was hilarious.  She went through a half of a roll of tape trying to get it right.  I was howling and carrying on the whole time.   She wasn't amused.  She called me a vampire.   Is that rude?

I am getting the hang of this blogging thing and think it will be fun to update you each day.  From the time CEBR laid eyes on me on Friday until today, just 3 days later, I am already using my front legs to sit myself up.  The braces are definitely working.  My back legs are still weak but they force me onto them all day.  It's exhausting.  I eat standing on my belly roll.  I play standing on my belly roll.  They hold me up in a sling.  So when I need a nap.  I need a nap!

Today I got to spend time with Courtney and Dewey.  They loved me up and gave me lots of fun new toys.  Courtney is a professional photographer and spent hours snapping this machine in my face.'s tough to be so loved.  Momma says that she will show a few of the pictures at a time -- I am too cute and she doesn't want anyone to pass out from all of this adora-bull-ness!

I especially love the donut toy that I stole from Dewey.  And Courtney gave me a Himalayan dog chew which I thought was the bees knees...until Alice stole it.  Momma kept telling Alice that it was for babies, but Alice didn't care and kept taking it back to her bed.  And that darned Meatball keeps taking all of my stuffed toys.  Momma keeps saying "no Meaty, that's for baby" but he takes them anyway.  Doesn't anyone listen around here?   

And now Meatball has taken to getting into my bed with me.  They fashioned a really nice baby crib out of a plastic swimming pool -- it's all my own.  Until Meatball comes along and hogs up half of the thing!

I have found a friend in Matilda.  She is deaf and we speak our own language.  She likes to play with me and tosses me around with her nose.  I bite her leg and she flips me over and stands over me. It's a heck of a lot of fun!

Check out my videos from today:

Tomorrow we will be working in the Bully Boardwalk much of the day and work on standing up.  I stood about 3 times on my own today.  I can't walk on the back legs, but I am pulling myself up and getting them pulled into position beneath me.  I'm smart like that.

Until tomorrow,


1 comment:

  1. Keep up the great work Adele and CEBR! The whole gang here is rooting for you! Love, Lucky, Boop-C, & Buttercup
